• September 26, 2023

How to Support Your Dog’s Gut Health & Microbiome

Unless your dog is having digestive issues, dog gut health is probably one of the last things on your mind. Even when healthy, though, your dog may need some support for their gut microbiome.   That’s because the gut microbiome can have a big influence on their overall wellness. Although diet plays a significant role in…

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Should I Get a Dog? 5 Things to Consider

When you are sitting at home daydreaming of the perfect canine companion, it is sometimes easy to get caught up in that fantasy and lose sight of reality. We all choose to take a dog into our lives for different reasons but sometimes it is worth taking a step back and looking at what those…

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When dogs bark, are they using words to communicate?

Does your dog bark a lot? Or is he one of those quiet pooches who barks only when things get really exciting? Most dogs bark at least a little. Dog barks are not words. But although your dog will never tell you about his parents or the weather or the amazing bone he had yesterday,…

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Why do we love pets? An expert explains.

Ours is a pet-loving culture. Researchers spend a lot of time exploring what has become known as “human-animal interactions,” and the pet industry spends a lot of money promoting what it prefers to call the “human-animal bond.” But that concept might have been laughable a century ago, when animals served a more utilitarian role in our…

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The Joys of Owning a Cat

Owning a cat can bring unconditional love and companionship to your life. Having a feline friend can also help to relieve stress and improve your heart health. Owning a cat can be an extremely rewarding relationship. A cat has the ability to both calm your nervous system and provide an immediate outlet for fun and play.…

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